Decramastic Roof Resurfacing: The Best Way To Restore Stone Chip Roof’s Appeal

Decramastic Roof ResurfacingIn the seventies, one brand name that turned into a generic name and became popular is the decramastic tiles. It is also known in other names like decrabond, pressed metal tiles, stone chip roofs and Colortile and Gerard. This kind of roofing material gas a stone chip bonded with a metal surface.

When they were made, they were built to last for many years. But like other kinds of roof with other elements at play like weather, mosses, and foot traffic, they could degenerate over time. You could observe the tile’s color changing and they could become dented. The bond to the metal surface can break. Experts suggest when this happens, no need to change immediately the roof but to call for a professional to do the Decramastic Roof Resurfacing.

There are certain steps roof’s professionals do in this procedure. They usually start with cleaning your decramastic roof. They will remove all the elements that have grown in time in the roof’s area. Mosses are the most likely element that you could find there. To make sure they don’t grow and thrive in the area, the professionals would coat your roof with moss killer. It is in this stage that they will also remove loose chips.

Repairing the roof is the next phase in the resurfacing procedure. This stage entails removal of loose and dented tiles, re-nailing loose tiles, repairing flashings and treating the metal surface to prevent rust. As a way to prevent further chipping, the team would coat colored coat to your decramastic roof. Also, to make sure that the stone chips permanently bond with the metal surface, two coats will additionally be done to your roofs. This is also to ensure the prevention of moss build-up and additional protection from other elements.

Technological advancements have made roofing materials more durable. Truly, this has become a worthwhile investment especially for homeowners. There are just certain circumstances that could test the roof’s durability no matter how tough it is. A good example would be the weather in New Zealand that could really degrade the roof over time. With degrading roof, a lot will follow. Leaks, moss build-up and other issues. Regular maintenance for the roof is necessary however strongly built it is.

If you are having this problem on your decramastic roof, just have it resurfaced. There is no truth about getting the roof replaced when is broken. You can always restore its beauty by simple resurfacing procedures.

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